
Triumph and Passion: Memmert Family at DATEV Challenge Roth

June 25, 2023: Perfect weather, amazing atmosphere along the roadside, and new world records – that's how we can best describe the DATEV Challenge Roth 2023. This year is not exceptional for the Memmert Family to eagerly participate in this remarkable event, ensuring the Memmert Mile is filled with life.

The DATEV Challenge Roth

3.8 km swimming, 180 km cycling, and 42.195 km running; those are the distances of the world's largest long-distance triathlon. The competition day traditionally started at 6:30 am with the swimming session at the Main-Danube Canal in Hilpoltstein. Following up, participants embarked on a challenging 180 km cycling route, including the renowned Solarer Berg, which exuded a Tour de France-like atmosphere. Finally, they faced the ultimate endurance test, the marathon, along the canal and through Roth.

Around 3,500 individuals and 650 relay teams from 90 countries took on the Challenge. The dedicated efforts of 7,500 volunteers ensured the well-being of the athletes and the smooth operation of the event, while an estimated 300,000 spectators contributed to an incredible atmosphere. Notably, both the Challenge Family and the Memmert Family continue to grow, and consolidate their expanding communities.

The Memmert Mile

The Memmert Mile is located on the running route just after the second transition zone and approximately 800 meters before the finish line – and as the Memmert Family, our mission was to provide the runners with an additional boost of motivation. This time, we enhanced the Memmert Mile experience with additional utensils suitable for the 30°C temperatures, including a children's paddling pool, sunscreen dispensers, and water stations. However, what truly thrilled our young visitors was the ice cream they received after participating in the Hot Wire game. As for us, we were genuinely delighted by the captivating atmosphere of the event and the sheer joy in the children's eyes upon receiving a refreshing treat.

Memmert Teams and World Records

We are especially proud of our two individual participants and relay teams who bravely fought their way to the finish line: Hannes Rupprecht (BIB: 3229) made it to 1973rd place in 12 hours, 11 minutes, and 29 seconds, and Marc Steuerer (BIB: 3909) finished in 13 hours, 46 minutes, and 27 seconds, securing 2561st place. The results of our relay teams are also impressive: Mark Fischer, Peter Schauer, and Tilo Ruf (BIB: 4096) reached the finish line at the festival area at 7:55 pm after 10 hours and 50 minutes, securing 155th place. Our affectionately named "Seniors Team" (BIB: 4097) won 185th place with a time of 11 hours, 6 minutes, and 25 seconds – you're all amazing, guys!

We're already looking forward to the DATEV Challenge Roth 2024.