To ensure the safety of children on the roads, the youth traffic school of the Verkehrswacht Roth-Hilpoltstein e. V. offers a wide range of programmes. These programs are conducted by four traffic educators from the police who use the traffic training area of the city of Roth, and the vehicle fleet of the traffic police. They are responsible for the cycling training and the issuing of bicycle driving licenses for fourth graders in the district of Roth.
New bicycles are needed for the education and training for the licenses for fourth graders. Safety of children and the youth are very important to the Memmert Family. The company supported the purchase of new bicycles for the youth traffic school.The purchase of 30 new children's bikes cost around € 9,000, of which Memmert paid € 5,000, and the traffic patrol subsidized the rest. The specialist bicycle shop 2-Rad-Müller, from Roth, supported the project by assembling the bikes free of charge and presented the brand-new children's bikes on November 30.
“We are very grateful for the donation from the Memmert company. Any amount supports our work to reduce accidents and improve road safety. Our fleet of vehicles is now up-to-date, and the children can safely get started again,” says Xaver Hueber, first director of the Roth-Hilpoltstein Road Safety Association. David Saalfelder, traffic educator at the Roth Police, was also enthusiastic. "Thank you to everyone involved. There is an urgent need for the children to be properly schooled!”
Care of the old bicycles: the old bicycles are not thrown away but after a careful check for roadworthiness, these continue to be used for driver training or are sent to Werkhof Regenbogen e. V. in Pfaffenhofen (near Roth).
We are very happy to support the project and wish all children success with their bicycle licenses and a safe time on the road!
Further information can be found here: