
The new universal oven dishwasher UF750DW

This exclusive interview with Simon Messthaler, Project Manager of the new universal oven dishwasher UF750DW, explains all you have to know about the latest m360 device.

The new universal oven dishwasher UF750DW | Memmert

Memmert is an expert in manufacturing tailor-made climate and temperature control devices for special standards and applications. The m360 department specializes in customer-specific premium solutions. A new example is the universal oven dishwasher, which meets all the requirements of the EN50242/EN60436 standard for testing the performance of dishwashers. Find out more about the innovative product and its interesting application in this interview.

Memmert: Simon, you are the project manager for the new universal oven dishwasher UF750DW and an expert when it comes to the EN 50242/EN 60436 standard. Please tell us briefly what this standard is about and which users it affects.

Simon Messthaler: The European standard EN 50242 defines measurement methods for the performance characteristics of electric household dishwashers and is valid in Germany as DIN EN  50242/EN 60436. In more concrete terms, the standard defines how, and which dishes must be stored in a household dishwasher in order to test it according to the standard. Before a dishwasher can be sold on the market, it first has to prove its cleaning power in a direct comparison with a reference machine - and that happens to be packed full of dirty place settings. It is precisely for this comparison that the standard contains certain regulations. For example, according to regulations, a new dishwasher must have run through at least three complete cycles for normally to heavily soiled dishes before its performance characteristics can even be tested. The assessment of the cleaning and drying performance must also be carried out with a soiled load. What makes the standard special? Experts at Memmert, chiefly among them, Heinz Bayer (Head of Technical Sales), have taken part in writing this standard and we are very proud of that.

The Memmert universal oven dishwasher UF750DW is not a dishwasher, as the name might suggest, but a drying oven that tests the functional properties of dishwashers. Therefore, it is mainly requested by dishwasher manufacturers. We sell many of our applications to China, but also to well-known national companies such as Bosch who use our devices to test their own products.

Memmert: Why did m360 decide to develop an updated version of the popular UFP800DW?

Simon Messthaler: We have decided to specify our standard product, the universal oven dishwasher UFP800DW, to better meet customer needs. Our focus was primarily on improving ease of use and simplifying documentation and logging processes. It was also important to us that it meets current standards. However, the most important goal of the change is to ensure the long-term availability of spare parts.

Memmert: With the universal oven dishwasher, m360 offers the perfect product for these applications. What has changed with the new version compared to its predecessor and what remains the same?

Simon Messthaler: The universal oven UFP800DW dishwasher is used for testing performance characteristics and is specially adapted to the test parameters of the EN 50242/EN 60436 standard in order to avoid temperature overshoots. In summary, our UF800DW can be described as a universal oven in which dishes with leftovers are dried according to specific specifications for the purposes of testing dishwashers.

Our new universal oven dishwasher UF750DW still meets the requirements of the standard. It is a new generation of devices that should make it easier to stack and store dishes. These functions are guaranteed by the sliding film newly attached to the device, which simplifies the handling of the grids so that it can now be easily pushed by hand.

The biggest differences between the old and the new dishwasher are the loading set, the sliding properties and simplified operation for the customer.

Memmert: What was the most difficult part of developing the device and how long did it take?

Simon Messthaler: The revision of the standard device UFP800DW to the UF750DW took an estimated nine months. The biggest challenge was probably the fulfilment of the EN 50242/EN 60436 standard with regards to its test and temperature values which our device now completely fulfils. The development and perfection of the sliding film, which melted in several tests, proved to be extremely difficult in the early stages. After a few attempts, however, our team also mastered these difficulties with flying colours.

Memmert: What should customers pay attention to when buying this device

Simon Messthaler: The device is only available with TwinDISPLAY. The loading set is also mandatory in the order. Before ordering, the customer should consider additional options and accessories that are potentially required.

Would you like to find out more about the universal oven dishwasher or buy a device directly? Then simply get in touch with your Memmert contact person or email us at We look forward to your inquiry. You can find more information about the product here.

Addition (01/2025): The temperature control and heating power of the Dishwasher is adapted to the test parameters stipulated in the currently valid EN60436 standard.