
10 Years of Memmert Rothsee Triathlon

A Decade of Heartfelt Commitment: Since 1989, the beloved Rothsee Triathlon, a short-distance race, has been captivating athletes and enthusiasts. And for several decades, Memmert has been an unwavering presence, fueled by our passion for sports and, in particular, triathlon.

This deep-rooted commitment led us to become the main sponsor and even lend our name to this iconic event back in 2013. Our motive? Inspiring people, especially children and youth, to embrace the joy of outdoor sports and activities.

We feel incredibly fortunate to witness this enthusiasm up close year after year. This year, marking our 10th anniversary as the main sponsor, we were once again present with our exhibition booth. From there, we enjoyed a view of the swim start and the transition area, offering us diverse glimpses into the experience: the glow of determination, the laughter of triumph, the resolve in challenging moments, the encouraging words, the resounding cheers of support. All these elements intertwine to create the essence of triathlon, a shared passion among athletes and volunteers.

Within our dedicated space, young visitors had the chance to test their skills with our thrilling "Hot Wire" game. The objective was to navigate the Memmert logo without touching it more than twice. Those who succeeded were rewarded with a selection of our fantastic prizes. While some found it a breeze, others discovered it required a bit more practice. Meanwhile, older attendees explored the diverse career opportunities at Memmert and learned about the upcoming open day event in celebration of our 90th anniversary. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who participated and showed keen interest.10 years

A warm and sincere thank you goes out to all the athletes and dedicated volunteers for their unwavering participation, support, and tremendous efforts. We are already eagerly looking forward to the 35th MEMMERT Rothsee Triathlon and, of course, the upcoming DATEV Challenge Roth, taking place on the weekend of June 24-25, where we will once again be present with the Memmert Meile. Join us for another unforgettable experience!

Your Memmert Family