
Résultats de la recherche

When help is needed in Schwabach and the surrounding area, the THW and its volunteer members are on the job, all year round, at any time. Early on a Saturday morning towards the end of October, it was the Memmert Family that needed help in preventing a production stop. The THW stepped up and rushed over with a solution.
The administrative location of Memmert, in Schwabach, where the central data center is located, was scheduled to renew the power line to the company. Since the ongoing conversion work could put a stop to production, a solution had to be found as quickly as possible. The ILS Central Franconia South a
Almost 50 years ago, the German construction company Julius Berger Tiefbau AG opened a branch in Nigeria for the construction of the Eko Bridge in Lagos. Today, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc is listed on the Nigerian stock exchange and handles many large construction projects and facility services jobs in Nigeria. The building materials are tested in high-quality in-house laboratories, in which numerous Memmert drying ovens are utilized for conditioning and drying materials.
Julius Berger Nigeria Plc Nigeria is a country of incredible diversity. Different vegetation zones from savannah woodlands and rain forest areas to vast mangrove swamps mark a contrast to many cosmopolitan and up-and-coming cities. The economic upturn of the West-african country in the 1950ies wa
Social commitment Memmert is a family-run company firmly rooted in the region of Central Franconia. Responsibility towards employees and business partners has always been a tradition. Support is given whether in sickness or personal problems and as thanks we receive decad
Work-Life-Integration Full commitment to combine work and family needs a great effort. Therefore, Memmert supports the employees to recharge their batteries during sports and fitness off the job. The term "work-life balance" sums up our goal that we have in mind.
On the second weekend in October, the time had finally come again for the 29th RIBE - CITYLAUF Schwabach. The running event took place under the motto #wirstartendurch2022. As a long-standing, proud sponsor of the Bambini run, Memmert was delighted to be involved.
"We Gonna Rock This Town" were the words with which the City Run started on the morning of October 9 th , 2022. These very words describe last Sunday very well. Rock music played at the market square while runners rocked their races with excellent results.At +3 °C and thick fog, our Memmert E-
The sporting weeks for Memmert came to an end yesterday with the Challenge Roth. Reason enough to look back on the sporting events of the last few weeks. These were characterized by team spirit, joint commitment and pure joy. With enthusiastic spectators, shouts of joy and an exuberant atmosphere - even the weather was happy with us, as the sun was our constant companion. Memmert was represented both as a sponsor and as an active participant with athletes from the Memmert family.
At the Memmert Rothsee Triathlon, where we are the main sponsor, we took part this year with 4 relay teams and many individual starters. The highlight of the event was the Memmert stand: In addition to excellent coffee, we also had delicious ice cream, a pinball machine to try out, free drinkin
The Memmert success story began 90 years ago. Since then, not only has our product range grown, but also the Memmert Family and the cohesion with all our loyal partners and customers - a reason to celebrate!
Over the weekend, we celebrated Memmert's 90th anniversary with our valued partners, customers, and colleagues. Thank you for being part of the Memmert Family and for the partnerships built on trust, reliability, and commitment. This family atmosphere and fantastic collaboration have allowed us to s
The Nuremberg high-tech company GfE Metalle und Materialien uses two models of the Memmert vacuum drying oven in the manufacture of titanium powder. Not only its complex production makes titanium so valuable, but also the fascinating combination of all its qualities: As sturdy as steel, but considerably lighter, extremely corrosion-resistant, anti-magnetic and anti-allergenic.
It is no surprise that many things that are supposed to be good and allowed to be expensive are made of titanium. Components for the automobile and aerospace industry, implants, bicycles, jewellery and even building facades, such as on the world famous Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Thousands of years
90 years ago the history of Memmert began – today, we are the world’s leading innovator when it comes to the development of climate and temperature control appliances for applications in R&D, industry and medicine. To-date, it has been a history marked by great boldness, an exceptional level of innovative strength and, last but not least, a healthy dose of adventurous spirit.
This year, Memmert can look back on a 90
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