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Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO 2 et d'O 2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.
La précision et la fiabilité de l'incubateur à CO 2 représentent un facteur clé dans la réussite d'une fertilisation in vitro. Il suffit de quelques écarts au niveau de la teneur en CO 2 dans l'atmosphère, de la température ou de l'hygrométrie pour perturber le développement des cellules lors Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO 2 et d'O 2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.

ICO50med IVF Model

Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO2 et d'O2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.
ICO50med IVF Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO2 et d'O2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.
Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO2 et d'O2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.
ICO105med IVF Parfaitement adapté à la fertilisation in vitro! Concentration de CO2 et d'O2 contrôlée et culture minutieuse de boîtes de Petri dans des tiroirs distincts.
Here you will find the intended purpose for all Memmert ovens classified as medical devices.
Intended purpose Medical devices Memmert successfully has passed the extension of the MDD 93/42/EEC certificates. The existing EC certificate, directive 93/42/EEC was issued by the notified body and is now valid until May 2024 according to the transitional regulation (EU) 2017/745. The direct
In your eyes, what defines the ideal incubator for cell cultures? Memmert has talked to the head of the in vitro Institute for Molecular Biology, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Unteregger, about the requirements made of a CO2 incubator.
Memmert: Professor Unteregger, let‘s get straight to the point. What are the essential quality requirements made of an incubator for cell culture? Gerhard Unteregger: Well, above all a constant and high humidity – ideally at least 95 % - as well as fast recovery times after the door has been opened

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Bain-marie WNB/WNE/WPE La combinaison de l'acier inoxydable résistant à la corrosion, d'un système électronique précis et d'une protection multiple de la température garantit une sécurité optimale en laboratoire.
Heidelberg-based TICEBA GmbH is a highly innovative biopharmaceuticals company in the field of stem cell research. As a manufacturer of medicines, TICEBA produces stem-cell-based medicines for clinical trials conducted by its subsidiary RHEACELL GmbH & Co. KG, which is heavily involved in research into stem cell therapies in the field of regenerative medicine. The Research, Production, and Quality Control departments have a whole battery of Memmert INCOmed246 CO2 incubators available for cell cultivation purposes.
Stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine Stem cell therapy is based on the capacity of the body’s own stem cells to regenerate tissue and ensure organs remain functional. Regenerative medicine is part of the broader field of biomedicine and makes use of this capacity to cure functional impairm
Under the direction of biologist Jürgen Tautz, the Würzburg BEEgroup is carrying out basic research on bee health.
His mentor, Martin Lindauer, who is, along with Nobel Prize winner and behavioural scientist Karl von Frisch, one of the most famous ambassadors of bee research, one day presented him with a beehive. He must have known Jürgen Tautz well, because the present had the desired effect. From studying neur
Memmert - a reliable partner in medicine C'est notre engagement ferme en faveur de la qualité qui a fait de Memmert un partenaire fiable dans le secteur médical et l'industrie de la recherche médicale depuis la création de la société en 1947. Bien entendu, nous sommes certifiés DIN EN ISO 13485
Climate testing of medical products before they are approved has long been a given. The renowned ikfe GmbH (Institute for clinical research and development in Mainz) turned to the specialist laboratory supplier Novodirekt with very extraordinary requirements for a new climate chamber.
The climate chamber had to be able to cover as wide a range of temperature-humidity-combinations as possible, reaching from tropical to arctic climate. In addition, the operating personnel were to be enabled to operate the medical devices inside the chamber from the outside without having to open th